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Ausstellungseröffnung »Living 2060« | mit einem Vortrag von Prof. Dr. Ikaputra: »Living in Java: From the Past to Future«
Dienstag, 7. März 2023, 05:00pm - 07:00pm



Quelle; TU Wien + x-change / zur Verfügung gestellt von der Austrian Indonesian Society




Im Rahmen der viertägigen Ausstellung »Living 2060« – ein Projekt der Technischen Universität Wien in Kooperation mit internationalen Partnern – lädt die Universität am 07. März 2023 zum Eröffnungsempfang ein, 17 bis 19 Uhr.  


Teil der Veranstaltung sind unter anderem zwei Vorträge:


17:30 | Dr. Catalin Berescu referiert zum Thema »The Revival Of The Minimum. What Future For The Tiny Houses?«


18:00 | Prof. Dr. Ikaputra von der Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) in Yogyakarta spricht zum Thema »Living in Java: From the Past to Future«.


Ausstellungsdauer von »Living 2060« | 07. bis 10. März 2023 | 10 bis 16 Uhr | TU Wien Prechtlsaal, Karlsplatz 13, 1040 Wien


Welchen Beitrag können Architektur und Design für ein zeitgemäßes humanes Wohnen leisten? Diese zentrale Frage bildet den Ausgangspunkt für das interdisziplinäre Projekt »Living 2060«. Bei diesem Vorhaben kommen verschiedene Disziplinen zusammen, wie Architektur, Design, Städtebau. Der Fokus liegt auf europäischen und südostasiatischen Lebenswelten (...).


Mehr zum Vortrag von Prof. Dr. Ikaputra


Old Java was defined not as the whole island of Java, but Central Java and East Java. This ancient Javanese area is adjacent to one of the most active volcanoes in the world, Mount Merapi. The strength and potential of Mount Merapi influenced the surrounding area as a center of Javanese culture which holds various sites of world heritage, such as Sangiran Early Man (Phitcantropus Erectus/UNESCO 1996), as architectural heritage the temples of Borobudur and Prambanan (UNESCO 1991); three world renowned cultural icons of oral & intangible heritage: wayang kulit (Shadow Puppet/UNESCO 2003), keris (traditional wavy blade/UNESCO 2005) and batik (UNESCO, 2009). Being a place of numerous objects and sites of tangible & intangible world heritage, it is interesting to discuss the living culture of the past, during Dutch colonialism, today and the future in Java.


Prof. Ikaputra is Associate Professor at the Department of Architecture & Planning, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta Indonesia. Currently, he is the Head of the Center for Transportation and Logistics Studies, Universitas Gadjah Mada. He is also a member of the Laboratory for the History, Theory and Conservation of Architecture and Urban Design. He teaches subjects on the history of Architecture, especially when related to modern movements, postmodernism and deconstruction as well as the history of Nusantara architecture, including how the Colonial Dutch architecture coloured and formed cities in Indonesia. His research is connected to traditional architecture, historical settlements and urban districts, as well as historical cities for today’s inspirations. He also raised an awareness about the “Marginalized-Modern Heritage” in Indonesia since 2001 which includes, for instance, railways heritage (stations, facilities, and their surroundings), old sugar factories, the housing of industrial heritage, as well as garden cities implemented in Indonesia. He has worked as a volunteer architect with communities, especially on post disaster reconstruction, house upgrading for low income families, and the non-handicapping environment for people with disabilities. Since 2005, Ikaputra has worked in collaborative projects with colleagues in Indonesia and Austria various fields related to architecture, urbanism and living cultures.



Veranstaltungsort: TU Wien, Hauptgebäude EG, Prechtlsaal, Karlsplatz 13, 1040 Wien, Österreich


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