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SVET – ein Film von Kartika Pratiwi
Donnerstag, 18. Juli 2019, 06:00pm

Poster; Quelle: Watch Indonesia


Watch Indonesia  e.V. lädt ein zum Filmschauen. Geziehgt wir SVET – ein Film von Kartika Pratiwi



In Indonesia, 1965. Suddenly, hundreds of thousands of people we re arrested without official warrants. Some returned home, many disappeared forever. Hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of children lost their parents. Svetlana, is one of millions of survivors of one of the darkest chapters in Indonesia’s history. She recalls her memories with her loving father who was one of the senior leaders of Indonesian Communist Party.


Poster; Quelle Watch Indonesia

  Kartika Pratiwi | is the founder of kotakhitam Forum – an independent organization, dedicated conducting research and documentary productions for social and political changes with the main idea to record witness and survivor accounts of the Indonesia 1965 history. She just finished her fellowship at Alliance of Historical Dialogue and Accountability, at Columbia University in New York where she started her project entitled “Rewriting 1965 in the Digital Age” which will be creating an interactive digital platform about the facts related with the Indonesian mass killing in 1965 through materials such as collection of stories and memories of survivors, archival documents and digital cartography. She is now in Berlin as a Crossing Border fellow by Robert Bosch Stiftung where she is doing a research on the same project on digital platform.



Ort: Watch Indonesia e.V. Für Demokratie, Menschenrechte und Umwelt in Indonesien und Osttimor, Urbanstr. 114, 10967 Berlin                                          


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