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Indonesia On Screen: Berbagi Suami [LOVE FOR SHARE]
Sonntag, 8. April 2018, 01:45pm

 Filmstill aus Berbagi Suami, Indonesien 2006, Regie: Nia Dinata; Quelle: Babylon Kino Berlin-Mitte / Phiwedari Indonesian Film Distribution



Berbagi Suami [LOVE FOR SHARE] ist einer von 12 Filmen des indonesischen Filmfestivals »Indonesia On Screen«, das momentan im Babylon Kino, in Berlin-Mitte, läuft. Die indonesische Filmreihe wird noch bis zum 11. April 2018 gezeigt.


Berbagi Suami [LOVE FOR SHARE] Indonesien 2006. Regie: Nia Dinata mit Jajang C. Noer, Shanty, Dominique Agisca, 120 Min, OmeU,

Genre: Drama / Komödie

Synopsis: Eine Geschichte über die Frauen Salma, Esi und Ming, die ein polygames Leben führen. Es geht um ihre Konsequenz, den Status als andere Frau zu akzeptieren. Es gibt drei Episoden voll mit Satire und überraschend verwobenen anderen Geschichten.


Trailer: Berbagi Suami



Filmplakat, Berbagi Suami; Quelle: Babylon Kino Berlin-Mitte / Phiwedari Indonesian Film Distribution

Salma (Jajang C. Noer) is a woman with her good past, results her as professional doctor. She married a wealthy and loyal man named H. Ali Rohim with his good life as businessman. Then he married two women again, Indri and Ima. Salma accepts it, but, her son Nadin (Winky Wiryawan) who is the reason why Salma accepts polygamy, grows becomes a man who denied it.

Esi (Shanty) is a Javanese woman who wants to be a make-up artist. She brought by her Uncle (Lukman Sardi) to Jakarta to make her aspiration reached. But, she should accepts her destiny that Uncle wants to marry her. It's insane if knows Uncle haves two wives, Dwi (Rieke Diah Pitaloka) and Sri (Ria Irawan). Finally Esi accepts the marry and tries to escape from the house with Dwi that becomes her love interest.

Ming (Dominique Agisca Diyose) is a Mandarin woman who wants to be an actress. She takes as waitress during her acting school in a duck-roast restaurant who owned by her far family, married couple Koh Abun (Tio Pakusadewo) and Cik Linda (Ira Maya Sopha). Koh Abun in his desire, decides to keep Ming as his young wife without Cik Linda's acceptance. Ming slowly knows that becomes the second wife which never known by anyone is never being happy



Gezeigt wird der Film am:


So., 01.04. | 22:00 Uhr

Do., 05.04. | 17:15 Uhr

So., 08.04. | 13:45 Uhr

Mi., 11.04. | 17:15 Uhr



Veranstaltungsort: BABYLON, Rosa-Luxemburg-Str. 30, 10178 Berlin (U-Bahn: Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz / S-Bahn: Alexanderplatz)


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