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Konferenz: Islam in Post-Reformasi Indonesia: The End of Tolerance
Vom Samstag, 13. Januar 2018 -  09:00am
Bis Sonntag, 14. Januar 2018 - 02:00pm

 Logo; Quelle: Abteilung für Südostasienwissenschaft Uni Bonn


Islam in Post-Reformasi Indonesia: The End of Tolerance? Re-Negotiating the Relations between State, Religion, and Society



Aim of the conference


The conference aims to bring together scholars from different disciplines as well as people from civil society, media and government. We hope to get a better insight into current developments in Indonesia since the re-negotiation of the relation between Islam, pluralism and democracy. This is also an important point of reference for ongoing discussion in other Muslim societies.


Often taken as a role-model for a successful synthesis of Islam and pluralism in the past, Indonesia’s image of a tolerant country has been tarnished in recent years. Religious minorities like Ahmadis and Shiites, human rights activists and people of non-binary gender identity became Targets of fundamentalist groups.


The state often failed to ensure the rights and safety of the threatened. Rather, politics and the state became also influenced by a new conservativism, most often by applying religion as political capital. Inthe course of the trial against the former Christian governor of Jakarta and huge demonstrations carried out by Islamist groups, the national motto of "Unity in Diversity" (Bhinekka Tunggal Ika) has again become a subject of debates.


The conference "Islam in Post-Reformasi Indonesia: The End of Tolerance? Re-negotiating the Relations between State and Society" aims to bring together scholars from different disciplines as well as people from civil society, media and government. We hope to get a better insight into current developments in Indonesia since the re-negotiation of the relation between Islam, pluralism and democracy. This is also an important point of reference for ongoing discussion in other Muslim societies.


The following questions will be discussed:


  • Is unity still possible in the course of the growing influence of hard-line-organizations demanding the superiority of Sunni Islam in Indonesia?
  • What does "diversity” mean in a country where the practicing of indigenous and other minority beliefs are more and more restricted?
  • Moreover, can the tolerance expressed in the motto of Bhinekka Tunggal Ika be maintained and used as a blueprint for other Muslim societies?
  • Which role do state and religious institutions such as the Nahdlatul Ulama and Muhammadiya take within the context of conflicting ideas of religion and pluralism?
  • Is the world’s third largest democracy culturally and institutionally prepared for the challenges of radical Islam?



We kindly ask you to register for this conference via E-Mail until January 7th, 2018 at Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein! (Dr. Timo Duile)



Organizing Committee:


Dr. Timo Duile, Institute of Oriental- and Asian Studies Bonn University

Dr. Julia Linder, Institute of Oriental- and Asian Studies Bonn University

Tobias Konopka, M.A. Student of Southeast Asian Studies Bonn University


Konferenz: 13.01.2018 | 9 bis 19 Uhr  und 14.01.2018  | 9 bis 14 Uhr


Veranstalter: Institut für Orient- und Asienwissenschaften, Universität Bonn Studies Bonn University


Weitere Infos und der komplette Flyer unter Islam in Post-Reformasi Indonesia



Veranstaltungsort: Festsaal der Universität Bonn, Regina-Pacis-Weg 3 , 53113 Bonn








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