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»Indoversity« in Berlin
Samstag, 5. November 2016, 11:00am - 10:00pm

Plakat; Bildquelle: PPI Berlin


Ein ganztägiger indonesischer Event gespickt mit musikalischen, künstlerischen und kulinarischen Programmpunkten sowie einem Seminarteil plus Diskussionsveranstaltung.


Der Seminarteil wird in englischer Sprache durchgeführt.


Wissenschaftliches Programm:

Knowledge Fest // Seminar: (11:30 AM - 03:00 PM // First Admission at 10:45 AM)

»How The Integration of Smart Infrastructure, Institutions and Public Participation Supports a Smart City.«
The Seminar consists of 2 sessions :

1. Keynote Speech Smart City Infrastructure: 

The Opportunity of Technologie by Prof. Suhono H. Supangkat (Director of Institute for Innovation & Entrepreneurship Development, Institute of Technology Bandung and Initiator of Smart City Initiative Indonesia)

2. Panel Discussion 

Conceptualizing Smart City from the Perspective of Technology by:
-Prof. Suhono H. Supangkat
-Claudia Endter (ElectroMObility agency Berlin (eMO), contact point of electromobility Berlin 
-Benjamin Snow (Civocracy , civic network hub)
-Dr. -Ing. Johanna Schlaack, Center of Metropolitan Studies, TU Berlin

+ Free welcome snacks & drinks 
+ Certificate of participation





Plakate; Bildquelle PPI Berlin






Early Bird 7€ • On the Spot 8€ 
Get your early bird tickets! 
CP: Rizka +4917627248268

Mehr Infos auch unter INDOVERSITY





Veranstaltungsort: Z/KU (Zentrum für Kunst und Urbanistik), Siemensstraße 27, 10551 Berlin 

Kulturelle Programmpunkte:


Indonesian Street Food: (03:00 PM - Sold Out )

The diversity of Indonesian street food such as Sate Maranggi, Sup Iga, Nasi Uduk Komplit, Nasi Timbel Gepuk, Mie Bakso, Sate Kerang, Sate Telur, Tempeh Mendoan, Martabak Telor and many more will be offered! 

TraMIXional // Indonesian Cultural Night: (05:00 PM - 10:00 PM)

Performances of contemporary traditional dances, music, fashion show, martial arts, in parallel with Indonesian street food and interactive art exhibition.

On Stage

Indonesian Band Competition: (The winner will be voted by audience)
- Sego (Hamburg)
- ASAP (Bremen)
- Antheist (Frankfurt)

// Stand-Up Comedy by David Kokoh

// Coolintang | Traditional Music from Minahasa, South Sulawesi 

// Saman-Laser Dance by Saman IWKZ | Traditional Dance from Banda Aceh, Sumatera 

// Pencak Silat by SiGePi | Indonesian Martial Art 

// Cendrawasih Dance | Traditional Dance from Bali 

// Renggong Manis Dance | Traditional Dance from Jakarta 

// Indonesian Traditional Outfit Fashion Show

// Rasjsjadi Hidajat | Classical Piano 

// Malte Vodegel | Berlin Acoustic Music |

// Cam el Nino | Acoustic Guitar 

// Maladialum | Indonesian Ethnic-Folk Music from Yogyakarta  

// Bugar Nugroho | Chill Out Tunes |


// Kayon Tattoo Atelier | All Styles Tattoo 

// Photo Gallery | Exhibition of Young-Talented Indonesian Photographers

// Indonesian Heritage Art piece: Keris Dagger, Wayang Kulit Puppet, Batik

// Warung Konsuler & Imigrasi | Immigration Attache of Embassy of The Republic of Indonesia



Indonesien Magazin Online